Keith Lassiter - Captain

Life began for me in North Carolina, my dad was in the Air Force there. As a military brat I lived all over the country but I was always happiest by the ocean. From a young age I was always obsessed with animals, especially the aquatic kind. Being land locked in Missouri for my teen years I always longed for the ocean, weekends on the lake with the pontoon boat and my salt water aquarium would have to tide me over. My dad got me into diving when I was around 13yo, I was instantly hooked and my obsession grew. Eventually I joined the Air Force myself for a decade which lead me to falling in love with Key Largo, while stationed in Tampa i would make the drive down to dive every weekend! When the Air Force took me back to the Midwest, where I met Alisia, I decided to take a big risk, got out of the military, sold everything and made the move to key largo. It was/is a lot of hard work and a lot of trials but 10 years later we're still here! Now I'm a captain, dive master, jack of all trades, for Ocean First and for the first time in a long time feel like I'm working for a company I really believe in. There's no better feeling!