Open Water Destinations

Whether you are completing your 4 Open Water dives or continuing your education, we offer a variety of Open Water locations to choose from, including local, domestic and international destinations every month. Don't see what you're looking for? Ocean First Travel can help you plan a custom adventure just the way you like it!

Local Trips with Ocean First (Offered Monthly)


1) The Homestead Crater (Midway, Utah)


Complete your open water referral dives in the geothermally heated Homestead Crater in Midway, Utah. The toasty 95ºF water combines scuba diving and a spa treatment into one fantastic experience! Homestead Crater is a truly unique experience and a wonderful way for novice divers to test the waters. Drive time from Boulder is approximately eight to nine hours but varies depending on the weather. Trips run from the fall through the spring.

Please give us a call to find out more about Homestead Crater or visit our upcoming Homestead trips page here for dates and to sign-up.




Open Water Diver Certification Fee: $350 (please note the $25 upcharge)

- Includes: Tanks, weights, BCD, regulator, computer, and Ocean First instructor for four checkout dives.

- Prices do not include tax, lodging, meals, crater entrance fee (payable directly to Homestead Resort), or transportation.

- All divers are required to transport their own tanks, weights, and dive gear to and from the dive site. 


2) The Blue Hole (Santa Rosa, NM) (April - November)



The Blue Hole appears in the midst of the desert like a great blue gem. Located in Santa Rosa, New Mexico along old Route 66, the Blue Hole is a natural sinkhole filled with cool springwater. Dropping down to over 80 feet, this crystal-clear lake is perfect for all types of certification dives, including open water, continuing education specialties, and freediving. Drive time from Boulder is approximately seven hours and varies depending on the weather. Trips run year-round, minus the winter months.

Please give us a call to find out more about the Blue Hole or visit our upcoming Blue Hole trips page here for dates and to sign-up. Divers are responsible for their own accommodations.  




Open Water Diver Certification Fee: $325 

- Includes: Tanks, weights, BCD, regulator, computer, and Ocean First instructor for four checkout dives.

- Prices do not include tax, lodging, meals, Blue Hole entrance fee (payable directly to Blue Hole), or transportation.

- All divers are required to transport their own tanks, weights, and dive gear to and from the dive site. 


3) Aurora Reservoir - Aurora, CO (June - October)


From June to October, you can complete your open water certification closer to home at Aurora Reservoir. Only an hour from Boulder, this is the ideal summer location for completing your open water or continuing education dives without having to pay for flights or lodging. Summer water temperatures are generally 65-70ºF.

Please give us a call to find out more about Aurora Reservoir or visit our upcoming Aurora trips page here for dates and to sign-up. 






Open Water Diver Certification Fee: $325

- Includes: Tanks, weights, BCD, regulator, computer, and Ocean First instructor for four checkout dives.

- Prices do not include tax, parking fees (payable to Aurora Reservoir), or transportation.

- All divers are required to transport their own tanks, weights, and dive gear to and from the dive site. 



Tropical Locations

Want to complete your Open Water dives in the ocean? Begin your training here, so you have more time to vacation on vacation.

Ocean First, Key Largo 

$350 + cost of trip Find Out More.

Cozumel, Mexico

Find Out More

Referral option:

You can also complete your 4 chekout dives on a vactation of your choice with any SSI Dive Center. To find an SSI dive center, use the SSI Center Locator.



