SSI Policies

Medical Participant Questionnaire

Each student must complete the SSI Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire, or submit a valid medical statement, prior to any in-water activity.

If the Medical Participant Questionnaire or the appearance/behavior of the student indicate any condition contrary to participation in any in-water activities, the student is required to provide the Physician’s Approval to Dive form, signed by a licensed medical practitioner and based on a medical examination, prior to any in-water activity.

The Medical Participant Questionnaires of minors must be reviewed and signed by a parent or guardian prior to any in-water activity.

Medical Participant Questionnaires and the Physician’s Approval to Dive form, or valid medical statements, are valid for 12 months from the date they are signed. Students may participate in multiple SSI training programs within the 12 months without completing another form.

If the student becomes ill or injured within the 12 months, they must complete a new Medical Participant Questionnaire prior to any in-water activities, following the protocol outlined above.


Since 1970, SSI has been designing state-of-the-art education programs. In fact, SSI was first to become a digital-based training agency in 2006, offering a new service portal for SSI divers and members called MySSI. Since that time SSI has continued to develop its digital offerings, resulting in being fully digital since 2015. To this day, SSI is meeting customers' needs with an online-based system that integrates training materials, training records, dive logs, marketing, and e-communication.



Our focus on high-quality instruction is what sets SSI training apart from the rest.


Knowledge replaces anxiety and fear with correct information. There are many ways you can start an SSI program — traditional training, home study or online training. No matter which way you decide to take the program, it will be taught the same way — using the SSI Total Teaching System. During interactive review sessions, your SSI Dive Professional will teach you how “land value” — what you learn out of the water — relates to “water value” — what you do with information in the water.


The best way to learn essential skills is through continuous and correct repetition. The goal of this repetition is to learn the skills so well that they can be performed automatically, and without conscious thought. This is SSI's signature water training method: ”Comfort Through Repetition.” We believe it is vital to take plenty of practice time to develop the skills necessary to become a competent and comfortable diver. Your SSI Dive Professional will lead you through a series of comprehensive skill exercises for you to practice until they become second nature.


We want you to be comfortable with every phase of your training. Your SSI Dive Professional will teach the class as if you will become a diver and make the investment in your own equipment. While the decision to invest in your own equipment is ultimately yours, our years of experience have taught us that the easiest way for you to become a diver is in your own high-quality Total Diving System. Understanding how to operate your own equipment ensures you enjoy every minute of every dive, and that you don't waste time learning how to operate unfamiliar or ill-fitting equipment. This increases your diving ability, and adds an element of well-being and confidence to your experiences. If you choose not to purchase your Total Diving System, the best way to get started is in your own personal Snorkeling and Exposure Systems. Your SSI Dive Professional will work with you to carefully select the appropriate equipment that is right for you.


Training develops knowledge and skills, but the only way to get real experience as a diver is to go diving! This is why SSI encourages you to participate in more open water dives during your training than just the minimum required number. The more you dive, the more you will enjoy the sport. So, get out there, explore new worlds, meet new friends and see why diving with an SSI Dive Center is “The Ultimate Dive Experience!”
