Club Aquarius - Frequent Diver Program



Club Aquarius is Ocean First’s membership program for the avid diver who wants to get more involved within our community while saving money in the process.

Annual Membership Fees:

  • $95 per person
  • $255 for 2 adults and one child (normally $285)*
    * Each additional child is ony $75 more.




Inclusions per Person on the Membership:

  • Unlimited one (1) hour pool sessions in our private, heated indoor pool.
  • $5 off per stage on all equipment servicing
  • One (1) free annual gear inspection and cleaning
  • Free tank & weight rentals for local dive trips - details below
  • $25 credit towards swim lessons
  • Exclusive invitations to Members Only events & sales
  • Free OF t-shirt with your membership
  • *Benefits are only for the Club Aquarius member. Family rates available!

Club Aquarius Tank & Weight Rentals:



  • A single CA member can rent 2 tanks for free.
    • Pick-up one day, drop-off the next.
  • Members can pay for extra tanks if needed.

Weekend (3-4 Days)

  • A single CA member can rent 4 tanks for free.
    • Pick-up and drop-off days are included in the 3-4 Days. No extensions.
  • This is intended for people who are doing a trip and cannot come back to refill tanks. It assumes 2 days of diving with 2 tanks per day. Members can pay for extra tanks if needed.

Week (up to 7 Days)

  • A single CA member can rent 2 tanks for free.
    • Pick-up and drop-off days included in the 7 days. No extensions.
  • This is intended for people who are going on a trip or who need a tank for the week and can not come back to refill tanks. We do not have enough tanks for CA members to take any more than 2 free tanks for 7 days. Members can pay for extra tanks if needed.
  • * CA members are not eligible for free tank rentals longer than a week. All fills are air, not nitrox. There is no CA upgrade price for Nitrox tanks.


  • A single CA member may take enough weight for themselves for up to 7 days. We do not have enough to provide extras for other divers in your group.

Club Aquarius members benefit from the ease of keeping their dive skills sharp, their equipment up to date, and their dive buddies close. By using only a few pool sessions or taking advantage of a killer deal during an exclusive sale, your Club Aquarius membership will already have paid for itself. Come by the shop or contact us to sign up today. You won’t regret it!
